quarta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2010

Consumer Eyes is looking for LiveLogging Blog Respondents in Brazil

Consumer Eyes is a marketing consultancy company.

LiveLogging Blog Respondents (4 in Brazil)
· 2-3 men/1-2 women
· 3 younger Boomers – range of ages 50-59; 1 consumer ages 45-49

Individual specs:
1. On statins who leads a healthy lifestyle and takes a baby aspirin
2. On a hypertension drug who leads a healthy lifestyle
3. Reduces fat/salt thru diet & exercise; has a history of heart disease in family
4. Supplement-taker who exercises; has a history of heart disease in family

If you know someone with the specs above, please send this link and the contact bellow.
Please send an email to: Dave Boerger (dave@consumereyes.com)

Obs.: não tenho informações sobre remuneração/compensação financeira